20 Relatable Tweets From Funny Dad Simon Holland

Simon Holland is hands-down one of the funniest guys on the Internet. His quips about marriage, parenting, and middle age are always spot-on and super relatable.

I’ve rounded up his most viral tweets for you…hope these bring you some laughs!


#1 Why is this so true?? I’ve wasted hours of my life dealing with this problem LOL…
#2 Right? Need the right pillow, the right blanket, the right room temperature…and even then I may still wake up!
#3 I need to stick this tweet to my forehead…I will do anything to avoid paying for shipping!
#4 Sounds about right! Which reminds me, I actually do need to call Comcast. So if you don’t hear from me for a few days, I’m probably still on hold. 🙂
#5 Why?? Why do they hate jackets? I get cold just looking at my kids and their friends wearing shorts in freezing temperatures!
#6 Truth!
#7 This is one of Simon Holland’s most viral tweets so I’m guessing it applies to a lot of people, but I, on the other hand, am a night owl. I’m more likely to respond to your 10:37pm text at 1:37am LOL.
#8 Now that’s a dad move right there…
#9 And earned a million dollars worth of Kohl’s cash!
#10 You had me at “quiet”…
#11 Exactly!
#12 I bet it had the door-in-door feature…
#13 Speaking both for myself and my husband, this is absolutely correct…
#14 Oh, the innocence of a child…
#15 Backwards math is pretty much the only math I’m decent at…
#16 I’d be thrilled if I ever got an 89 on a science quiz…
#17 I can relate…
#18 Been there, done that! (You can find Simon’s funniest quips on marriage here)
#19 LOL…
#20 Right?? I agree…
For more laughs, check out one of my most popular humor posts: “18 Funny and Relatable Tweets About Raising Boys” https://www.imightbefunny.com/humor/18-funny-and-relatable-tweets-about-raising-boys/