21 Tweets from People Whose Day Went Hilariously South

No matter your age, how much money you have, or where on this earth you live, we have one thing in common. We all have bad days.

Sometimes those days are really, really bad and others are funny or crazy scenarios you can end up laughing at.

These folks shared their stories of when things just didn’t go quite their way.

Hope your day is going better than theirs!

#1 I’m laughing because this is so something I would do…
#2 Wow…that took me a minute!
#3 Oh, the brutal honesty of kids…
#4 I did this once and realized it after I saw my reflection in a mirror at Target…oops!
#5 Aww, kitty found a cozy place!
#6 Maybe he wasn’t meant to go out that day…
#7 feel like we’ve all been this guy at one time or another…
#8 Boy do I sympathize with this lady! I once got in my car and drove down my driveway heading to the vet when I realized my dog was still in the house…
#9 Been there, done that…
#10 Live and learn…
#11 A lesson in not messing with little old ladies…
#12 Something I would totally do…
#13 Ha ha ha…
#14 That’s quite a bit of scratching LOL…
#15 Guess he thought it looked pretty good too!
#16 I hope she said yes anyway…
#17 Guess they CAN’T actually do it…
#18 No morning swim? How about not leaving the house at ALL???
#19 Rice, Litter, Potato, Potahto,
#20 Every time I see this it makes me laugh…
#21 Poor Megan is right!
For more laughs, check out the popular post: “Caught in the Act: 21 Hilarious Tweets About Kids Trying to Get Away With Mischief”