20 Funny Tweets to Kick Off the Fall Season With Some Laughs

Oh, Fall, how I love thee…let me count the ways: Leaves crunching under my feet, majestic colorful landscapes, cozy sweaters, the smell of pumpkin bread in the oven.

I spent my childhood in New York, growing up with four very distinct seasons. Fall was always my favorite, even as a little kid.

I remember my parents would pay me like 50 cents for each pile of leaves I raked on our lawn. And then my little brother would come barreling through and jump in my leaf pile, and I would get soooo mad LOL.

Then I spent 25 years in Southern California, where there is pretty much one season. Warm. And I missed the autumns of my childhood.

It was one of the reasons I left California and moved to the Pacific Northwest, and now I once again have a glorious Fall to celebrate each year.

I’ve rounded up some funny quips about all things Fall…enjoy!

#2 It’s funny because it’s true. I dare say their box mix pumpkin bread is as good as any homemade one I’ve ever had…
#8 “No soup for you!!”
Facebook/Alyce Kominetsky – One Word at a Time
#20 Myrna is ready! If you haven’t met Myrna, she is hilarious. Check out her funniest quips here
And I just had to throw in some pretty fall pics I found…
I took this photo a few years back of my dad and my youngest…
Got a minute to stick around? Check out one of my most popular humor posts “25 People Reveal Their Most Hilarious Embarrassing Moments and I Can’t Stop Laughing”

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