Top 20 Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week

Another week and and another round of funny and relatable tweets from parents!

Here are some of my favorite quips from this week.

Wishing you all a great weekend!


#1 Pretty much!
#2 LOL sounds about right!
#3 Mom level: expert. That’s one way to be sure your kid keeps his snarky opinions to himself LOL!
#4 This is the kind of thing that makes me glad my kids are out of elementary school. In high school they just take care of stuff like this themselves…
#5 Aww…
#6 Ha ha ha…
#7 I think I can still hear her laughing…
#8 She’s not wrong…
#9 Can I get one of those prescriptions please?
#10 Yes, kids, we played outside and it was awesome…
#11 Oh, I feel this one. Every time I’m away I miss my memory foam pillow!
#12 Omg this was definitely not me as a kid! I would do anything to get out of math…
#13 Time to order new toothbrushes!
#14 Of course they are…
#15 Aww, his little conscience kicked in!
#16 Yup…
#17 I’m laughing because it’s true, I’ve only ever met a “Kevin’ as an adult…
#18 That IS really weird…it’s always the 3:00am scramble to find batteries!
#19 Four-year-olds are nothing if not dramatic…
#20 And this, my friends, is parenting in a nutshell LOL…
Speaking of toddlers, meet some hilarious ones here: “25 of the Funniest Tweets About Life With Toddlers”