As we all know, there are some pretty great teachers out there changing kids’ lives for the better.
This teacher from Turkey told his class that there was a photo of his favorite student in the box.
What I loved most about this video is the giant smile on every single child’s face…absolutely priceless, and something they will likely all remember. ***There are 2 more great videos below this one, don’t miss them!
And this sweet teacher, going above and beyond the call of duty at recess to help a special needs student…
And finally, this video, which made me go searching for a tissue box immediately after watching. This teacher had his favorite pair of shoes stolen. And so his students surprised him with a brand new pair. I can only imagine what a special teacher he must be for his students to have done that for him!
Speaking of teachers, check out this popular humor post: “20 of the Absolute Funniest Tweets About Life as a Teacher”