20 of the Funniest Tweets About Life With Kids

If there is one thing you need in parenthood, it’s a sense of humor. And to not feel alone in your struggles. So here’s a quick little round-up of 20 relatable tweets from some of the funniest parents on Twitter.



#1 The things kids think of LOL…
#2 This one cracked me up…
#3 If it’s common core math, my money is on the kid!
#4 Ouch!
#5 It’s not easy getting roasted by a 3-year-old…
#6 Hope you had a good time, little tangerine…
#7 That was some quick thinking, kiddo…
#8 Sounds about right…
#9 Good question!!
#10 Kids are brutal LOL…
#11 Yup…
#12 LOL…
#13 Keep us posted…
#14 No, you did not…
#15 Oh boy…
#16 LOL…
#17 Pizza math is my kind of math…
#18 Guess so…
#19 Oh, I do not miss those…
#20 A fantasy for sure…
Got a minute to stick around? Check out one of my most popular humor posts: “18 Laugh Out Loud Tweets That Prove Kids Are Just Hilarious