25 Hilariously Relatable Tweets About Traveling

If there’s one thing you usually need on a family vacation, it’s a sense of humor. Spending 24/7 together in close quarters with your spouse or kids can be amazing and at the same time drive you nuts.

I’ve rounded up the funniest, most relatable quips I could find about all things travel-related, hope you’ll have some laughs!


#1 It’s funny because it’s true!
#2 And the older you get, the worse it is…
#3 Ha ha, yup!
#4 Vacation math…
#5 At LEAST!!
#6 Facts…
#7 Exactly…
#8 And also pointing out cows…
#9 This is so me and my husband…
#10 I only have three kids and I can relate!
#11 Gotta love kids…
#12 Omg…
#13 I’m laughing because we were at a hotel recently and I got in on the opposite side of the bed that I’m normally on and my husband was like “What are you doing??”
#14 “Second tier underwear” LOL…
#15 Whoa – are there people that really do this?? I have never made a hotel bed…
#16 Road trips really are the true test of a relationship…
#17 I’m going camping in a couple of weeks, wish me luck!
#18 LOL…
#19 Yeah, hard pass on this…maybe for a few weeks, but a year is a loooong time.
#20 Ha ha ha…
#21 So true…
#22 Yup…
#23 I’m impressed she lasted two weeks…
#24 Ha ha, right??
#25 Absolutely…
For more vacation related laughs, check out: “Top 20 Funniest Tweets About Camping”