Top 20 Funniest Tweets on Marriage and Parenting This Week

Just a quick little round-up of the funniest tweets on marriage and parenting I’ve come across this week…enjoy!


#1 May the odds be ever in your favor…
#2 Terrifying to every husband out there…
#3 Right?? Funny how that works…
#4 And also, you cook it for free…
#5 I’m definitely the one asking about the door…
#6 Last year I bought a Costco size bag of candy to put on our front porch for the delivery people. Let’s just say I gained a couple of pounds that month LOL…
#7 Having been a substitute teacher, there’s one thing I know and it’s that 2nd grade math sure ain’t what it used to be! You don’t just add 15+10 anymore…you draw stuff and make charts and use like half a piece of paper to get the answer. Very confusing to this GenXer.
#8 LOL…
#9 Love it!
#10 Toddlers are amazing and also super weird…
#11 Karma…
#12 This observation is correct…
#13 And “Why is the kitchen spatula I’ve been missing for a month upstairs underneath the couch cushion?” True story.
#14 I mean, she has a point…
#15 That’s not that hard – House Hunters couples are notoriously annoying LOL…
#16 You gotta go out on a high note…
#17 Now that is math I can understand…
#18 Brave little guy…
#19 Sadly, I can relate…
#20 When my youngest, a very picky eater, was about 6 or 7, I would pack a bag of strawberries or other fruit in her lunch. And every day, that bag came home full. When I told her she had to have something healthy in her lunch, her response was “But I don’t want to eat it. Can’t I just hold it up and wave it around the classroom so everybody just THINKS you’re a good mom who packs me healthy stuff?” Sometimes it’s hard to keep a straight face even when you need to! 🙂
Got a minute to stick around? Check out one of my most popular humor posts: “25 of the Funniest Tweets About Parenting Teens”